Module Absint.AbstractInterpreter

module VisitCount : sig ... end
module State : sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end

type of an intraprocedural abstract interpreter

module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module MakeRPO : Make

create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using the reverse post-order scheduler

module MakeWTO : Make

create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using Bourdoncle's strongly connected component weak topological order

module MakeDisjunctive : functor (T : TransferFunctions.DisjReady) -> functor (DConfig : TransferFunctions.DisjunctiveConfig) -> S with type TransferFunctions.analysis_data = T.analysis_data and module TransferFunctions.CFG = T.CFG and type TransferFunctions.Domain.t = T.Domain.t list

In the disjunctive interpreter, the domain is a set of abstract states representing a disjunction between these states. The transfer functions are executed on each state in the disjunct independently. The join on the disjunctive state is governed by the policy described in DConfig.