Module Biabduction.Rearrange

exception ARRAY_ACCESS
val is_only_pt_by_fld_or_param_nonnull : IR.Procdesc.t -> IR.Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> IR.Exp.t -> bool
val check_dereference_error : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> IR.Exp.t -> IBase.Location.t -> unit

Check for dereference errors: dereferencing 0, a freed value, or an undefined value

val check_call_to_objc_block_error : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> IR.Exp.t -> IBase.Location.t -> unit

Check that an expression representing an objc block can be null and raise a B1 null exception. It's used to check that we don't call possibly null blocks

val rearrange : ?⁠report_deref_errors:bool -> BiabductionSummary.t Absint.InterproceduralAnalysis.t -> IR.Exp.t -> IR.Typ.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> IBase.Location.t -> Predicates.offset list Prop.prop_iter list

rearrange lexp prop rearranges prop into the form prop' * lexp|->strexp:typ. It returns an iterator with lexp |-> strexp: typ as current predicate and the path (an offsetlist) which leads to lexp as the iterator state.