Parameter Make.1-TaintSpecification
module Trace : Absint.TaintTrace.S
module AccessTree : module type of sig ... end
val handle_unknown_call : IR.Procname.t -> IR.Typ.t -> Absint.HilExp.t list -> IR.Tenv.t -> TaintSpec.action list
return a summary for handling an unknown call at the given site with the given return type and actuals
val get_model : IR.Procname.t -> IR.Typ.t -> Absint.HilExp.t list -> IR.Tenv.t -> AccessTree.t -> TaintSpec.action list option
returns a model that should be used for the given (procname, return type, actuals, summary) instead of using the summary for the procname
val is_taintable_type : IR.Typ.t -> bool
return true if the given typ can be tainted
val to_summary_access_tree : AccessTree.t -> QuandarySummary.AccessTree.t
val of_summary_access_tree : QuandarySummary.AccessTree.t -> AccessTree.t
val name : string