Module FFI.Constant

type t = private
  1. | PYCBool of bool
  2. | PYCInt of Z.t
  3. | PYCFloat of float
  4. | PYCComplex of {
    1. real : float;
    2. imag : float;
  5. | PYCString of string
  6. | PYCInvalidUnicode of int array
  7. | PYCBytes of bytes
  8. | PYCTuple of t array
  9. | PYCFrozenSet of t list
  10. | PYCCode of Code.t
  11. | PYCNone
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
val show : ?full:bool -> t -> string

Only shows the name of a PYCCode constant if full is false. Otherwise, shows everything.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val as_code : t -> Code.t option
val as_name : t -> string option