Module PythonFrontend.PyBuiltin

module Compare : sig ... end
type binary_op =
  1. | Add
  2. | And
  3. | FloorDivide
  4. | LShift
  5. | MatrixMultiply
  6. | Modulo
  7. | Multiply
  8. | Or
  9. | Power
  10. | RShift
  11. | Subtract
  12. | TrueDivide
  13. | Xor
val compare_binary_op : binary_op -> binary_op -> int
type unary_op =
  1. | Positive
  2. | Negative
  3. | Not
  4. | Invert
val compare_unary_op : unary_op -> unary_op -> int
type builder =
  1. | List
  2. | Set
  3. | Tuple
  4. | Map
  5. | String
  6. | Slice
val compare_builder : builder -> builder -> int
type textual =
  1. | IsTrue
  2. | Binary of binary_op
  3. | Inplace of binary_op
  4. | Unary of unary_op
  5. | PythonCall
  6. | PythonCallKW
  7. | PythonKWArg
  8. | PythonClass
  9. | PythonClassName
  10. | PythonCode
  11. | PythonIter
  12. | PythonIterNext
  13. | PythonBuild of builder
  14. | PythonIndex
  15. | PythonSubscriptGet
  16. | PythonSubscriptSet
  17. | PythonFormatRepr
  18. | PythonFormatStr
  19. | PythonFormatAscii
  20. | PythonFormat
  21. | CompareOp of Compare.t
val compare_textual : textual -> textual -> int
type builtin
val textual : textual -> builtin
val of_string : string -> builtin option
module Set : sig ... end