Module ATDGenerated.Runstate_j

type infer_version = Runstate_t.infer_version = {
  1. major : int;
  2. minor : int;
  3. patch : int;
  4. commit : string;
type command = Runstate_t.command
type run_info = Runstate_t.run_info = {
  1. date : string;
  2. command : command;
  3. infer_version : infer_version;
type t = Runstate_t.t = {
  1. run_sequence : run_info list;
  2. results_dir_format : string;
val write_infer_version : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> infer_version -> unit

Output a JSON value of type infer_version.

val string_of_infer_version : ?len:int -> infer_version -> string

Serialize a value of type infer_version into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_infer_version : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> infer_version

Input JSON data of type infer_version.

val infer_version_of_string : string -> infer_version

Deserialize JSON data of type infer_version.

val write_command : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> command -> unit

Output a JSON value of type command.

val string_of_command : ?len:int -> command -> string

Serialize a value of type command into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_command : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> command

Input JSON data of type command.

val command_of_string : string -> command

Deserialize JSON data of type command.

val write_run_info : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> run_info -> unit

Output a JSON value of type run_info.

val string_of_run_info : ?len:int -> run_info -> string

Serialize a value of type run_info into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_run_info : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> run_info

Input JSON data of type run_info.

val run_info_of_string : string -> run_info

Deserialize JSON data of type run_info.

val write_t : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> t -> unit

Output a JSON value of type t.

val string_of_t : ?len:int -> t -> string

Serialize a value of type t into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_t : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> t

Input JSON data of type t.

val t_of_string : string -> t

Deserialize JSON data of type t.