Module IBase.PayloadId

type t =
  1. | AnnotMap
  2. | Biabduction
  3. | BufferOverrunAnalysis
  4. | BufferOverrunChecker
  5. | ConfigImpactAnalysis
  6. | Cost
  7. | DisjunctiveDemo
  8. | StaticConstructorStallChecker
  9. | LabResourceLeaks
  10. | LithoRequiredProps
  11. | Pulse
  12. | Purity
  13. | RacerD
  14. | ScopeLeakage
  15. | SIOF
  16. | Lineage
  17. | LineageShape
  18. | Starvation
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
include Ppx_compare_lib.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base__Ppx_compare_lib.equal
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
val hash_fold_t : t Base__Ppx_hash_lib.hash_fold
val hash : t -> Base__Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val pp : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val show : t -> string
val annotmap : t
val biabduction : t
val bufferoverrunanalysis : t
val bufferoverrunchecker : t
val configimpactanalysis : t
val cost : t
val disjunctivedemo : t
val staticconstructorstallchecker : t
val labresourceleaks : t
val lithorequiredprops : t
val pulse : t
val purity : t
val racerd : t
val scopeleakage : t
val siof : t
val lineage : t
val lineageshape : t
val starvation : t
val is_annotmap : t -> bool
val is_biabduction : t -> bool
val is_bufferoverrunanalysis : t -> bool
val is_bufferoverrunchecker : t -> bool
val is_configimpactanalysis : t -> bool
val is_cost : t -> bool
val is_disjunctivedemo : t -> bool
val is_staticconstructorstallchecker : t -> bool
val is_labresourceleaks : t -> bool
val is_lithorequiredprops : t -> bool
val is_pulse : t -> bool
val is_purity : t -> bool
val is_racerd : t -> bool
val is_scopeleakage : t -> bool
val is_siof : t -> bool
val is_lineage : t -> bool
val is_lineageshape : t -> bool
val is_starvation : t -> bool
val annotmap_val : t -> unit option
val biabduction_val : t -> unit option
val bufferoverrunanalysis_val : t -> unit option
val bufferoverrunchecker_val : t -> unit option
val configimpactanalysis_val : t -> unit option
val cost_val : t -> unit option
val disjunctivedemo_val : t -> unit option
val staticconstructorstallchecker_val : t -> unit option
val labresourceleaks_val : t -> unit option
val lithorequiredprops_val : t -> unit option
val pulse_val : t -> unit option
val purity_val : t -> unit option
val racerd_val : t -> unit option
val scopeleakage_val : t -> unit option
val siof_val : t -> unit option
val lineage_val : t -> unit option
val lineageshape_val : t -> unit option
val starvation_val : t -> unit option
module Variants : sig ... end
val database_fields : string list
val to_checker : t -> Checker.t