Given an command to be executed, creates a process to execute this command, and waits for its execution. If the commands fails to execute, prints an error message and exits.
val create_process_and_wait_with_output :
prog:string ->
args:string list ->
?env:Core_unix.env ->
action ->
Given an command to be executed, creates a process to execute this command, and waits for its execution. Depending on the action passed, either stdout or stderr is returned, with the other being streamed to the console. If the commands fails to execute, prints an error message and exits.
val print_error_and_exit :
?exit_code:int ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) IStdlib.IStd.format4 ->
Prints an error message to a log file, prints a message saying that the error can be found in that file, and exist, with default code 1 or a given code.