Module IBase.SqliteUtils

exception Error of string

The functions in this module tend to raise more often than their counterparts in Sqlite3. In particular, they may raise if the Sqlite3.Rc.t result of certain operations is unexpected.

exception DataTooBig

Raised from serializers when final size exceeds Sqlite3 limits (normally 1000_000_000 bytes).

val check_result_code : Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.Rc.t -> unit

Assert that the result is either Sqlite3.Rc.OK or Sqlite3.Rc.ROW. If the result is not valid, raise Error.

val exec : Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> stmt:string -> unit

Execute the given Sqlite stmt and check the result with check_result_code.

val finalize : Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> unit

Finalize the given stmt. Raises Error on failure.

val result_fold_rows : ?finalize:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a) -> 'a

Fold f over each row of the result. f must not access the database.

val result_fold_single_column_rows : ?finalize:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> init:'b -> f:('b -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> 'b) -> 'b

Like result_fold_rows but pass column 0 of each row in the results to f.

val result_option : ?finalize:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> read_row:(Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a) -> Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a option

Same as result_fold_rows but asserts that at most one row is returned.

val result_single_column_option : ?finalize:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t option

Same as result_fold_single_column_rows but asserts that at most one row is returned.

val result_unit : ?finalize:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> unit

Same as result_fold_rows but asserts that no row is returned.

val db_close : Sqlite3.db -> unit

Close the given database and asserts that it was effective. Raises Error if not.

val with_attached_db : db_file:string -> db_name:string -> ?immutable:bool -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> Sqlite3.db -> 'a

Attach the given db_file as db_name, execute f, then detach. If immutable=true, attach the database with the immutable Sqlite flag. See for more info.

val transaction : ?immediate:bool -> Sqlite3.db -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Run f as a transaction.

module type Data = sig ... end

An API commonly needed to store and retrieve objects from the database

module MarshalledDataNOTForComparison (D : sig ... end) : Data with type t = D.t

A default implementation of the Data API that encodes every objects as marshalled blobs

module MarshalledNullableDataNOTForComparison (D : sig ... end) : Data with type t = D.t option

A default implementation of the Data API that encodes None as a NULL SQLite value