collect statistics about backend/analysis operations
a query to the filesystem attempting to load a summary file
val add_to_proc_locker_lock_time : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val add_to_proc_locker_unlock_time : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val add_to_restart_scheduler_total_time : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val add_to_restart_scheduler_useful_time : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val add_timing : Timeable.t -> float -> unit
val set_process_times : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val set_useful_times : ExecutionDuration.t -> unit
val incr_spec_store_times : ExecutionDuration.counter -> unit
val get : unit -> t
get the stats so far
val log_aggregate : t list -> unit
log aggregated stats to infer's log file and to stats