Module IBase.StatsLogging

The two most important fields are "event" and "value". Other fields in the table correspond to things common for this particular run of Infer.

val log_many : LogEntry.t list -> unit

Log several events in one go. Useful when you do custom aggregations and have a place to log all aggregated results at once.

val log_count : label:string -> value:int -> unit

Log anything that can be counted. Events will be prefixed with "count."

val log_duration : label:string -> duration_us:int -> unit

Log elapsed time. Events will be prefixed with "time."

val log_message : label:string -> message:string -> unit

Log a string. Event is prefixed with "msg."

val log_message_sampled : label:string IStdlib.IStd.Lazy.t -> message:string IStdlib.IStd.Lazy.t -> sample_rate:int -> unit
val log_message_with_location : label:string -> loc:string -> message:string -> unit
val log_message_with_location_sampled : label:string IStdlib.IStd.Lazy.t -> loc:string IStdlib.IStd.Lazy.t -> message:string IStdlib.IStd.Lazy.t -> sample_rate:int -> unit
val execute_with_time_logging : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

A helper to log execution time of a particular function. Use this to measure a performance of a given function. Example:

let f a b = <some code>
let f a b = StatsLogging.execute_with_time_logging "f" (fun () -> f a b)
val register_global_log_flushing_at_exit : unit -> unit