type property_name = string
val hash_fold_property_name :
Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state ->
property_name ->
val hash_property_name : property_name -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val pp_property_name :
Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter ->
property_name ->
type register_name = string
val pp_register_name :
Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter ->
register_name ->
type variable_name = string
val pp_variable_name :
Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter ->
variable_name ->
val pp_field_name : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> field_name -> unit
val pp_class_name : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> class_name -> unit
type constant =
| LiteralInt of int
| LiteralStr of string
val pp_constant : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> constant -> unit
val pp_value : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> value -> unit
val show_value : value -> string
type binop =
| LeadsTo
| OpEq
| OpNe
| OpGe
| OpGt
| OpLe
| OpLt
val pp_binop : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> binop -> unit
val show_binop : binop -> string
val pp_predicate : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> predicate -> unit
val pp_condition : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> condition -> unit
val pp_assignment : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> assignment -> unit
type regex = {
re_text : string;
re : Str.regexp;
val pp_regex : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> regex -> unit
val show_regex : regex -> string
val mk_regex : string -> regex
type call_pattern = {
procedure_name_regex : regex;
type_regexes : regex option list option;
val pp_call_pattern : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> call_pattern -> unit
type label_pattern =
| ArrayWritePattern
| CallPattern of call_pattern
val pp_label_pattern :
Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter ->
label_pattern ->
val pp_label : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> label -> unit
val show_label : label -> string
val hash_fold_vertex :
Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state ->
vertex ->
val hash_vertex : vertex -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val vertex_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> vertex
val sexp_of_vertex : vertex -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val pp_vertex : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> vertex -> unit
val show_vertex : vertex -> string
val pp_transition : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> transition -> unit
val pp : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> t -> unit