val compare_captured_data : captured_data -> captured_data -> int
val equal_captured_data : captured_data -> captured_data -> bool
val yojson_of_captured_data :
captured_data ->
val sexp_of_captured_data : captured_data -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val captured_data_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> captured_data
val hash_fold_captured_data :
Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state ->
captured_data ->
val hash_captured_data : captured_data -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val hash_normalize_captured_data : captured_data -> captured_data
val hash_normalize_captured_data_opt :
captured_data option ->
captured_data option
val hash_normalize_captured_data_list :
captured_data list ->
captured_data list
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
include Ppx_compare_lib.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base__Ppx_compare_lib.equal
val yojson_of_t : t -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
Similar to compare, but compares only names, except template arguments.
val make :
?captured_data:captured_data ->
?is_weak:bool ->
Typ.Name.t ->
string ->
create a field of the given class and fieldname
val get_class_name : t -> Typ.Name.t
val get_field_name : t -> string
val mk_capture_field_in_closure :
Mangled.t ->
captured_data ->
is_weak:bool ->
val is_capture_field_in_closure : t -> bool
val is_weak : t -> bool option
val is_capture_field_in_closure_by_ref : t -> bool
val is_capture_field_function_pointer : t -> bool
val is_java : t -> bool
val is_java_synthetic : t -> bool
Check if the field is autogenerated/synthetic *
val is_internal : t -> bool
Check if the field has the prefix "__" or "_M_" (internal field of std::thread::id)
module Set : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = t
Set for fieldnames
module Map : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = t
Map for fieldnames
val is_java_outer_instance : t -> bool
Check if the field is the synthetic this$n of a nested class, used to access the n-th outer instance.
val to_string : t -> string
Convert a field name to a string.
val to_full_string : t -> string
val to_simplified_string : t -> string
Convert a fieldname to a simplified string with at most one-level path. For example,
val patterns_match : Str.regexp list -> t -> bool
Test whether a field full string matches to one of the regular expressions.
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty print a field name.