Module for Procedure Names.
Level of verbosity of some to_string functions.
module CSharp : sig ... end
Type of csharp procedure names.
module Java : sig ... end
Type of java procedure names.
module Parameter : sig ... end
module ObjC_Cpp : sig ... end
module C : sig ... end
module Block : sig ... end
Type of Objective C block names.
module Erlang : sig ... end
module Hack : sig ... end
module Python : sig ... end
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val yojson_of_t : t -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t
Similar to compare, but compares only names, except parameter types and template arguments.
val get_class_type_name : t -> Typ.Name.t option
val get_class_name : t -> string option
val get_parameters : t -> Parameter.t list
val replace_parameters : Parameter.t list -> t -> t
val parameter_of_name : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Parameter.t
val is_cpp_assignment_operator : t -> bool
val is_destructor : t -> bool
val is_java_static_method : t -> bool
val is_java_instance_method : t -> bool
val is_java_access_method : t -> bool
val is_java_class_initializer : t -> bool
val is_java_anonymous_inner_class_method : t -> bool
val is_java_autogen_method : t -> bool
val is_objc_method : t -> bool
Includes specialized objective-c methods
val is_objc_instance_method : t -> bool
Includes specialized objective-c instance methods
val is_objc_class_method : t -> bool
Includes specialized objective-c class methods
val is_objc_nsobject_class : t -> bool
val get_objc_class_name : t -> string option
val is_std_move : t -> bool
Check if it is C++ shared pointer observer, e.g. std::shared_ptr::operator*
include module type of struct include Comparable end
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base__Comparator.comparator
include sig ... end
module LRUHash : IStdlib.LRUHashtbl.S with type key = t
module HashSet : IStdlib.HashSet.S with type elt = t
module Map : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = t
Maps from proc names.
module Set : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = t
Sets of proc names.
module SQLite : IBase.SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t
module SQLiteList : IBase.SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t list
module UnitCache : sig ... end
One-sized cache for one procedure at a time. Returns getter and setter.
val make_java :
class_name:Typ.Name.t ->
return_type:Typ.t option ->
method_name:string ->
parameters:Typ.t list ->
kind:Java.kind ->
Create a Java procedure name.
val make_csharp :
class_name:Typ.Name.t ->
return_type:Typ.t option ->
method_name:string ->
parameters:Typ.t list ->
kind:CSharp.kind ->
Create a CSharp procedure name.
val make_erlang : module_name:string -> function_name:string -> arity:int -> t
Create an Erlang procedure name.
val make_hack :
class_name:HackClassName.t option ->
function_name:string ->
arity:int option ->
Create a Hack procedure name.
val make_objc_dealloc : Typ.Name.t -> t
Create a Objective-C dealloc name. This is a destructor for an Objective-C class. This procname is given by the class name, since it is always an instance method with the name "dealloc"
val make_objc_copy : Typ.Name.t -> t
Create a Objective-C copy name.
val make_objc_copyWithZone : is_mutable:bool -> Typ.Name.t -> t
Create an Objective-C method for copyWithZone: or mutableCopyWithZone: according to is_mutable.
val make_python :
class_name:PythonClassName.t option ->
function_name:string ->
Create a Python procedure name.
val empty_block : t
Empty block name.
val get_language : t -> IBase.Language.t
Return the language of the procedure.
val get_method : t -> string
Return the method/function of a procname.
val is_objc_block : t -> bool
Return whether the procname is a block procname.
val is_cpp_lambda : t -> bool
Return whether the procname is a cpp lambda procname.
val is_cpp_method : t -> bool
Return whether the procname is a cpp method.
val is_objc_dealloc : t -> bool
Return whether the dealloc method of an Objective-C class.
val is_objc_init : t -> bool
Return whether the init method of an Objective-C class.
val is_c_method : t -> bool
Return true this is an Objective-C/C++ method name.
val is_clang : t -> bool
Return true this is an Objective-C/C++ method name or a C function.
val is_constructor : t -> bool
Check if this is a constructor.
val is_csharp : t -> bool
Check if this is a CSharp procedure name.
val is_hack : t -> bool
Check if this is a Hack procedure name.
val is_java : t -> bool
Check if this is a Java procedure name.
val is_python : t -> bool
Check if this is a Python procedure name.
val is_infer_undefined : t -> bool
Check if this is a special Infer undefined procedure.
val is_static : t -> bool option
Check if a procedure is a static class method or not. If the procedure is not a class method or is unknown to be static, it returns None
. For now, this checking does not work on C++ methods.
val get_global_name_of_initializer : t -> string option
Return the name of the global for which this procedure is the initializer if this is an initializer, None otherwise.
val pp_without_templates : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty print a c++ proc name for the user to see.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty print a proc name for the user to see.
val pp_verbose : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty print a proc name for the user to see with verbosity parameter.
val to_string : ?verbosity:detail_level -> t -> string
Convert a proc name into a string for the user to see.
val to_string_verbose : t -> string
Convert a proc name into a string for the user to see with verbosity parameter.
val describe : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
to use in user messages
val replace_class : t -> ?arity_incr:int -> Typ.Name.t -> t
Replace the class name component of a procedure name. In case of Java, replace package and class name.
val is_method_in_objc_protocol : t -> bool
val pp_simplified_string : ?withclass:bool -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty print a proc name as an easy string for the user to see in an IDE.
val to_simplified_string : ?withclass:bool -> t -> string
Convert a proc name into an easy string for the user to see in an IDE.
val from_string_c_fun : string -> t
Convert a string to a c function name.
Replace "$[0-9]+" index into "$_" in Java proc name.
val hashable_name : t -> string
Convert the procedure name in a format suitable for computing the bug hash.
val pp_unique_id : F.formatter -> t -> unit
Print a proc name as a unique identifier.
val to_unique_id : t -> string
Convert a proc name into a unique identifier.
val to_short_unique_name : t -> string
Convert a proc name into a unique identfier guaranteed to be short (less than 50 characters)
val to_filename : t -> string
Convert a proc name to a filename.
val get_qualifiers : t -> QualifiedCppName.t
get qualifiers of C/objc/C++ method/function
return a Hack procname with decremented arity. Return None if input has no arity or 0 arity
val get_hack_arity : t -> int option
get the arity of a Hack procname
val get_hack_static_constinit : is_trait:bool -> HackClassName.t -> t
get the constinit procname in Hack
val pp_name_only : F.formatter -> t -> unit
Print name of procedure with at most one-level path. For example,
val pp_fullname_only : F.formatter -> t -> unit
Like pp_name_only
, but include package name for Java.
val is_c : t -> bool
val is_lambda : t -> bool
val is_lambda_or_block : t -> bool
val patterns_match : Str.regexp list -> t -> bool
Test whether a proc name matches to one of the regular expressions.
val is_erlang_unsupported : t -> bool
val is_erlang : t -> bool
val erlang_call_unqualified : arity:int -> t
A special infer-erlang procname that represents a syntactic erlang (unqualified) function call. arity
is the arity of the erlang function. First parameter of this procedure is expecteed to be the erlang function name, and the remaining parameters are the erlang parameters (given one-by-one and not as an erlang list).
val erlang_call_qualified : arity:int -> t
Same as erlang_call_unqualified
but is expected to have an erlang module name as the first parameter, and the function name as second. arity
is (still) the erlang arity of the function.
val is_erlang_call_unqualified : t -> bool
val is_erlang_call_qualified : t -> bool
val has_hack_classname : t -> bool
val is_hack_async_name : t -> bool
val is_hack_builtins : t -> bool
val is_hack_constinit : t -> bool
val is_hack_construct : t -> bool
val is_hack_internal : t -> bool
val is_hack_invoke : t -> bool
val is_hack_late_binding : t -> bool
val is_hack_xinit : t -> bool