Module Integration.TextReport

module F = Stdlib.Format
val create_from_json : quiet:bool -> console_limit:int option -> report_txt:string -> report_json:string -> unit

Read report_json and produce a textual output in report_txt. If not quiet then display at most console_limit issues on stdout. If console_limit is None then display all the issues.

val pp_jsonbug : F.formatter -> ATDGenerated.Jsonbug_t.jsonbug -> unit
val pp_jsonbug_with_number : F.formatter -> (int * ATDGenerated.Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) -> unit

pretty-print an issue together with a number, e.g. to identify it in a list

val pp_source_context : indent:int -> F.formatter -> ATDGenerated.Jsonbug_t.loc -> unit