Module PyIR.Exp

type collection =
  1. | List
  2. | Set
  3. | Tuple
  4. | Map
type t =
  1. | AssertionError
  2. | BuildFrozenSet of t list
  3. | BuildSlice of t list
  4. | BuildString of t list
  5. | Collection of {
    1. kind : collection;
    2. values : t list;
    3. unpack : bool;
  6. | Const of Const.t
  7. | Function of {
    1. qual_name : QualName.t;
    2. short_name : Ident.t;
    3. default_values : t;
    4. default_values_kw : t;
    5. annotations : t;
    6. cells_for_closure : t;
  8. | GetAttr of {
    1. exp : t;
    2. attr : Ident.t;
  9. | ImportFrom of {
    1. name : Ident.t;
    2. exp : t;
  10. | ImportName of {
    1. name : Ident.t;
    2. fromlist : t;
    3. level : t;
  11. | LoadClassDeref of {
    1. name : Ident.t;
    2. slot : int;


  12. | LoadClosure of {
    1. name : Ident.t;
    2. slot : int;


  13. | LoadDeref of {
    1. name : Ident.t;
    2. slot : int;


  14. | MatchClass of {
    1. subject : t;
    2. type_ : t;
    3. count : int;
    4. names : t;
  15. | BoolOfMatchClass of t
  16. | AttributesOfMatchClass of t
  17. | MatchSequence of t
  18. | GetLen of t
  19. | Subscript of {
    1. exp : t;
    2. index : t;
  20. | Temp of SSA.t
  21. | Var of ScopedIdent.t
  22. | Yield of t
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit