Module Textual.Exp

type call_kind =
  1. | Virtual
  2. | NonVirtual
val equal_call_kind : call_kind -> call_kind -> bool
type t =
  1. | Var of Ident.t

    pure variable: it is not an lvalue

  2. | Load of {
    1. exp : t;
    2. typ : Typ.t option;
  3. | Lvar of VarName.t

    the address of a program variable

  4. | Field of {
    1. exp : t;
    2. field : qualified_fieldname;

    field offset

  5. | Index of t * t

    an array index offset: exp1[exp2]

  6. | Const of Const.t
  7. | Call of {
    1. proc : QualifiedProcName.t;
    2. args : t list;
    3. kind : call_kind;
  8. | Closure of {
    1. proc : QualifiedProcName.t;
    2. captured : t list;
    3. params : VarName.t list;
  9. | Apply of {
    1. closure : t;
    2. args : t list;
  10. | Typ of Typ.t
val call_non_virtual : QualifiedProcName.t -> t list -> t
val call_virtual : QualifiedProcName.t -> t -> t list -> t
val call_sig : QualifiedProcName.t -> int -> Lang.t option -> ProcSig.t
val allocate_object : TypeName.t -> t
val not : t -> t
val cast : Typ.t -> t -> t
val vars : t -> Ident.Set.t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit