Module Textuallib.TextualTypeVerification

This module provides basic type verification for Textual programs.

Each function is type-checked independently, starting with the declared types of globals, parameters and locals.

The type of logical variables is infered by traversing the instructions in a suitable order (dfs). This may fail if a logical variable is assigned twice with two different types.

Subtyping is quite limiting because we do no try to understand the class hierarchy. It can be specified by the following rules

       t <= t

     t <= Void
                             ( Void acts as an escape hatch; we may make the
----------------------------   type system stricter later on)
      Void <= t

    Null <= *t

      t1 <= t2
     *t1 <= *t2

      t1 <= t2
---------------------------- (to please the Java type system but we may need
    t1[] <= t2[]              an othe decision when dealing with more langages)

---------------------------- (this is where the type system becomes weak)
Struct name1 <= Struct name2

See function compat ~assigned ~given that implements given <= assigned.

We can compute a type for each well-typed expression, using

               G, L |- Int _ : Int

             G, L |- Float _ : Float

------------------------------------------------ (this is the purpose of the type Null
              G, L |- Null : Null                 we don't expect the programmer to write
                                                  this type himself )

              G, L |- Str _ : *String

             G, L |- Var id : L[id]

------------------------------------------------ ([Lvar] constructor)
             G, L |- &var : *G[id]

        G, L |- exp : t t <= *(Struct name)
------------------------------------------------ (we can't  check if the field exists in
          G, L |- exp.f : *typeof(f)               name of or of it superclass)

    G, L |- exp1 : t1       t1 <= *t[]
              G, L |- exp2 : Int
             G, L |- exp1[exp2] : *t

     proc has type [x1:t1'; ...; xn:tn'] -> t
     G, L |- exp1 : t1          t1 <= t1'
     G, L |- expn : tn          tn <= tn'
------------------------------------------------ (we have special cases for builtins)
       G, L |- proc(exp1, ..., expn) : t

     G, L |- Typ t : the_type_of_all_types

See function typeof_exp.

The judgement is of the form G, L1 |- instr : L2 because we compute logical variable types in a flow sensitive way.

      G, L |- exp : t'       t' <= t
            L[id] = t or undefined
      G, L |- id: t = load exp : L[id=t]

     G, L |- exp1 : t1        *t <= t1
     G, L |- exp2 : t2        t2 <= t
    G, L |- store exp1 <- exp2: t : L

             G, L |- exp : Int
         G, L |- Prune exp : L

            G, L |- exp : t
       G, L |- id = exp : L[id=t]

The judgement is of the form G, L, N, rt |- terminator with

         G, L |- exp : t          t <= rt
               G, L, N, rt |- Ret exp

   lexp1 = exp1, ..., expk
       G, L |- exp1 : t1           t1 <= N[lab1

1] ... G, L |- expk : tk tk <= Nlab1k ... lexpn = ... ... ------------------------------------------------------ G, L, rt, N |- Jump lab1(lexp1), ..., labn(lexpn)

G, L |- exp : *t ----------------------------------------------------- G, L, N, rt |- Throw exp

----------------------------------------------------- G, L, N, rt |- Unreachable

type error
val pp_error : Textual.SourceFile.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val run : Textual.Module.t -> TextualDecls.t -> (Textual.Module.t, error list) IStdlib.IStd.Result.t
type type_check_result =
  1. | Ok of Textual.Module.t
  2. | Decl_errors of TextualDecls.error list
  3. | Type_errors of error list