Module ProcnameDispatcher.TypName
include Common
val make_dispatcher : ('context, 'f, 'arg_payload) matcher list -> ('context, 'f, 'arg_payload) dispatcher
Combines matchers to create a dispatcher
val any_typ : ('f, 'f, accept_more) template_arg
Eats a type
val capt_typ : (IR.Typ.t -> 'f, 'f, accept_more) template_arg
Captures a type
val capt_int : (IStdlib.IStd.Int64.t -> 'f, 'f, accept_more) template_arg
Captures an int
val capt_all : (IR.Typ.template_arg list -> 'f, 'f, end_of_list) template_arg
Captures all template args
val (~-) : string -> ('context, 'f, 'f, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Starts a path with a name
val (~+) : ('context -> string -> bool) -> ('context, 'f, 'f, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Starts a path with a matching name that satisfies the given function
val startsWith : string -> 'context -> string -> bool
val endsWith : string -> 'context -> string -> bool
val (&+) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_interm, accept_more, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher -> ('f_interm, 'f_out, 'lc) template_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'lc, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher
Separate template arguments
val (<) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_interm, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> ('f_interm, 'f_out, 'lc) template_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'lc, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher
Starts template arguments after a name
val (>::) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, _, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Ends template arguments and starts a name
val (>::+) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'lc, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher -> ('context -> string -> bool) -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
val (&+...>::) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, accept_more, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Ends template arguments with eats-ALL and starts a name
val (&::) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Separates names (accepts ALL template arguments on the left one)
val (&::+) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> ('context -> string -> bool) -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Separates names that satisfies the given function (accepts ALL template arguments on the left one)
val (<>::) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher
Separates names (accepts NO template arguments on the left one)
val (>-->) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, _, 'arg_payload) templ_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) matcher
val (<>-->) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) matcher
val (&-->) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) matcher
val (&::.*-->) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out, 'arg_payload) matcher
After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts ALL path tails (names, templates), accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function