Module QualifiedCppName.Match

Module to match qualified C++ procnames "fuzzily", that is up to namescapes and templating. In particular, this deals with the following issues:

  1. 'std::' namespace may have inline namespace afterwards: std::move becomes std::__1::move. This happens on libc++ and to some extent on libstdc++. To work around this problem, make matching against 'std::' more fuzzier: std::X::Y::Z will match std::.*::X::Y::Z (but only for the 'std' namespace).
  1. The names are allowed not to commit to a template specialization: we want std::move to match std::__1::move<const X&> and std::__1::move<int>. To do so, comparison function for qualifiers will ignore template specializations.

For example:

"std", "move":

"folly", "someFunction"

type quals_matcher
val of_fuzzy_qual_names : ?⁠prefix:bool -> string list -> quals_matcher
val match_qualifiers : quals_matcher -> t -> bool