Module ImperativeUnionFind.Make



module Repr : sig ... end
type t
val create : unit -> t
val find : t -> Set.elt -> Repr.t
val union : t -> Set.elt -> Set.elt -> (Set.elt * Set.elt) option

union t e1 e2 returns None if e1 and e2 were already in the same set, Some (a, b) if a is merged into b (were (a, b) is either (e1, e2) or (e2, e1)).

val find_create_set : t -> Repr.t -> Set.t
val find_set : t -> Repr.t -> Set.t option
val fold_sets : (tRepr.t * Set.t'accum) IStdlib.IStd.Container.fold

It is safe to call find or union while folding.