Module IStdlib.PrettyPrintable

module F = Stdlib.Format
val pp_collection : pp_item:(F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
module type PrintableType = sig ... end
module type PrintableEquatableType = sig ... end
module type PrintableOrderedType = sig ... end
module type PrintableEquatableOrderedType = sig ... end
module type PPSet = sig ... end
module type MonoMap = sig ... end
module type PPMap = sig ... end
module type PPMonoMap = sig ... end
module MakePPSet : functor (Ord : PrintableOrderedType) -> PPSet with type MakePPSet.elt = Ord.t
module MakePPMap : functor (Ord : PrintableOrderedType) -> PPMap with type MakePPMap.key = Ord.t
module PPMonoMapOfPPMap : functor (M : PPMap) -> functor (Val : PrintableType) -> PPMonoMap with type key = M.key and type value = Val.t and type t = Val.t M.t
module MakePPMonoMap : functor (Ord : PrintableOrderedType) -> functor (Val : PrintableType) -> PPMonoMap with type key = Ord.t and type value = Val.t
module type PrintableRankedType = sig ... end
module type PPUniqRankSet = sig ... end

set where at most one element of a given rank can be present

module MakePPUniqRankSet : functor (Rank : PrintableEquatableOrderedType) -> functor (Val : PrintableRankedType with type rank = Rank.t) -> PPUniqRankSet with type elt = Val.t and type rank = Rank.t