Module Nullsafe.TypeOrigin

type method_parameter_origin =
| Normal of AnnotatedSignature.param_signature
| ObjectEqualsOverride
type method_call_origin = {
pname : IR.Procname.Java.t;
call_loc : IBase.Location.t;
annotated_signature : AnnotatedSignature.t;
is_defined : bool;
val compare_method_call_origin : method_call_origin -> method_call_origin -> int
type t =
| NullConst of IBase.Location.t

A null literal in the source

| NonnullConst of IBase.Location.t

A constant (not equal to null) in the source.

| Field of {
object_origin : t;

field's object origin (object is before field access operator `.`)

field_name : IR.Fieldname.t;
field_type : AnnotatedType.t;
access_loc : IBase.Location.t;

A field access (result of expression `some_object.some_field`)

| CurrMethodParameter of method_parameter_origin

Parameter of a method we are currently in,

| This
| MethodCall of method_call_origin
| CallToGetKnownToContainsKey

This is a result of accessing a map element that is known to contains this particular key, normally because it was explicitly checked for presense before

| New

A new object creation

| ArrayLengthResult

integer value - result of accessing array.length

| ArrayAccess

Result of accessing an array by index

| InferredNonnull of {
previous_origin : t;

The value is inferred as non-null during flow-sensitive type inference (most commonly from relevant condition branch or assertion explicitly comparing the value with `null`)

| OptimisticFallback

A special case: technical type variant. Indicates either cases when something went wrong during typechecking, and some cases that should be expressed in a better way than using this type. We fall back to optimistic (not-nullable) type to reduce potential non-actionable false positives. Ideally we should not see these instances. They should be either processed gracefully (and a dedicated type constructor should be added), or fixed. T54687014 tracks unsoundness issues caused by this type.

val compare : t -> t -> int
val get_nullability : t -> Nullability.t
val get_provisional_annotation : t -> ProvisionalAnnotation.t option

If the origin is associated with provisional annotation, return it

val get_description : t -> string option

Get a description to be used for error messages.

val to_string : t -> string

Raw string representation.