Module Topllib.ToplAutomaton

type t
type vindex = int

from 0 to vcount()-1, inclusive

val compare_vindex : vindex -> vindex -> int
type tindex = int

from 0 to tcount()-1, inclusive

type transition = {
source : vindex;
target : vindex;
label : ToplAst.label option;
val make : ToplAst.t list -> t
val vcount : t -> int
val tfilter_map : t -> f:(transition -> 'a option) -> 'a list
val registers : t -> ToplAst.register_name list
val pp_message_of_state : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (t * tindex) -> unit

Print "property P reaches state E".

val is_start : t -> vindex -> bool
val is_error : t -> vindex -> bool
val pp_transition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> transition -> unit