Module IBase.ResultsDirEntryName

Entries in the results directory (infer-out/).

type id =
  1. | AllocationTraces

    directory for storing allocation traces

  2. | AnalysisDependencyGraph

    the inter-procedures dependencies revealed during an analysis phase; used for the replay analysis

  3. | AnalysisDependencyGraphDot

    the above in dotty format, for debug

  4. | AnalysisDependencyInvalidationGraphDot

    the inter-procedures dependencies revealed during an analysis phase used for invalidating procedure summaries that need re-analyzing, in dotty format for debug

  5. | AnalysisDB

    the analysis database

  6. | AnalysisDBShm

    SQLite-generated index file for the results database's write-ahead log

  7. | AnalysisDBWal

    the results database's write-ahead log generated by SQLite

  8. | CallGraphCyclesDot

    cycles in the call graph used for analysis scheduling in dotty format

  9. | CaptureDB

    the capture database

  10. | CaptureDBShm

    SQLite-generated index file for the capture database's write-ahead log

  11. | CaptureDBWal

    the capture database's write-ahead log generated by SQLite

  12. | CaptureDependencies

    list of infer-out/ directories that contain capture artefacts

  13. | ChangedFunctions

    results of the clang test determinator

  14. | ChangedFunctionsTempResults

    a directory for temporary ChangedFunctions files

  15. | DatalogFacts

    directory for datalog facts

  16. | DBWriterSocket

    socket to the DBWriter process for serializing writes to SQLite

  17. | Debug

    directory containing debug data

  18. | Differential

    contains the results of infer reportdiff

  19. | DuplicateFunctions

    list of duplicated functions

  20. | GlobalTypeEnvironment

    internal IR.Tenv.t object corresponding to the whole project

  21. | Logs

    log file

  22. | MissingSourceFiles

    Source files missing during analysis

  23. | MissingProcedures

    Procedures missing during analysis

  24. | PerfEvents

    file containing events for performance profiling

  25. | ProcnamesLocks

    directory of per-IR.Procname.t file locks, used by the analysis scheduler in certain modes

  26. | ReactiveCaptureMissingTypes

    file containing missed types (reactive capture mode)

  27. | ReportConfigImpactJson

    reports of the config impact analysis

  28. | ReportCostsJson

    reports of the costs analysis

  29. | ReportHtml

    directory of the HTML report

  30. | ReportJson

    the main product of the analysis: report.json

  31. | ReportSarif

    a sarif version of report.json: report.sarif

  32. | ReportText

    a human-readable textual version of report.json

  33. | ReportXML

    a PMD-style XML version of report.json

  34. | RetainCycles

    directory of retain cycles dotty files

  35. | RunState

    internal data about the last infer run

  36. | Stats

    internal statistics about the infer run

  37. | SyntacticDependencyGraphDot

    the inter-procedures dependencies obtained by syntactically inspecting the source of each procedure and recording the (static) calls it makes during an analysis phase; used by the callgraph analysis scheduler and presented here in dotty format for debug purposes

  38. | Temporary

    directory containing temp files

  39. | TestDeterminatorReport

    the report produced by the test determinator capture mode

  40. | TestDeterminatorTempResults

    a directory for temporary TestDeterminatorReport files

val get_path : results_dir:string -> id -> string

the absolute path for the given entry

val to_keep_before_incremental_capture_and_analysis : results_dir:string -> string list

utility for ResultsDir.scrub_for_incremental, you probably want to use that instead

val to_keep_before_caching_capture : results_dir:string -> string list

utility for ResultsDir.scrub_for_caching, you probably want to use that instead

val to_keep_before_new_capture : results_dir:string -> string list

utility for ResultsDir.remove_results_dir, you probably want to use that instead

val db_writer_socket_name : string

see comment in DBWriter as to why we need the relative path of the socket

val infer_deps_file_name : string

sad that we have to have this here but some code path is looking for all files with that name in buck-out/