Module IBase

module AnalysisRequest : sig ... end
module BuckMode : sig ... end
module Checker : sig ... end
module ClangProc : sig ... end
module CommandDoc : sig ... end
module CommandLineOption : sig ... end

Definition and parsing of command line arguments

module Config : sig ... end

Configuration values: either constant, determined at compile time, or set at startup time by system calls, environment variables, or command line options

module CostIssues : sig ... end
module CostIssuesTestField : sig ... end
module CostKind : sig ... end
module DB : sig ... end

Database of analysis results

module DBWriter : sig ... end
module Database : sig ... end
module Die : sig ... end
module Epilogues : sig ... end
module Exception : sig ... end

The restart scheduler and biabduction use exceptions for control flow (restarts/timeouts respectively). Functions here abstract away the semantics of when an exception can be ignored.

module ExecutionDuration : sig ... end
module FileDiff : sig ... end
module ForkUtils : sig ... end
module IssueType : sig ... end
module IssuesTestField : sig ... end
module Language : sig ... end
module LineReader : sig ... end

Module to read specific lines from files. The data from any file will stay in memory until the handle is collected by the gc

module Location : sig ... end
module LogEntry : sig ... end

Log entry data model, global log entry store and functions to manipulate it. Direct access to the store is not exposed.

module Logging : sig ... end

log messages at different levels of verbosity

module MarkupFormatter : sig ... end
module MissingDependencyException : sig ... end
module PayloadId : sig ... end
module PerfEvent : sig ... end
module Process : sig ... end
module ProcessPool : sig ... end
module ProcessPoolState : sig ... end
module RestartSchedulerException : sig ... end
module ResultsDir : sig ... end
module ResultsDirEntryName : sig ... end

Entries in the results directory (infer-out/).

module Scuba : sig ... end

Low-level Scuba logging functionality. Provides functionality to log anything to any scuba table. (Note that Scuba is a schema-free storage, so it won't require any changes). Don't use this module directly for logging to tables with known structure. Use high-level functions that are aware of the table structure.

module ScubaLogging : sig ... end

Functionality for logging into "infer_events" Scuba table. The table is organized in form of key-value pairs. Two most important fields are "event" and "value". Other fields in the table correspond to things common for this particular run of Infer.

module Serialization : sig ... end

Serialization of data stuctures

module SourceFile : sig ... end
module SqliteUtils : sig ... end
module Stats : sig ... end

collect statistics about backend/analysis operations

module TaskBar : sig ... end
module Timeable : sig ... end
module Timer : sig ... end

Time long-running operations listed in Timeable under a timeout

module Timings : sig ... end
module ToplAst : sig ... end
module ToplLexer : sig ... end
module ToplParser : sig ... end
module Utils : sig ... end
module Version : sig ... end