Module Absint.FormalMap

module F = Stdlib.Format
type t

a map from a formal to its positional index

val make : IR.ProcAttributes.t -> t

create a formal map for the given procdesc

val empty : t

the empty formal map

val is_formal : AccessPath.base -> t -> bool

return true if the given base var is a formal according to the given formal map

val get_formal_index : AccessPath.base -> t -> int option

return the index for the given base var if it is a formal, or None if it is not

val get_formal_base : int -> t -> AccessPath.base option

return the base var for the given index if it exists, or None if it does not. Note: this is linear in the size of the formal map

val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val cardinal : t -> int
val iter : (AccessPath.base -> int -> unit) -> t -> unit