Module IR.ProcAttributes

module F = Stdlib.Format

Attributes of a procedure.

type access =
  1. | Default
  2. | Public
  3. | Private
  4. | Protected

Visibility modifiers.

val compare_access : access -> access -> int
val equal_access : access -> access -> bool
type objc_accessor_type =
  1. | Objc_getter of Struct.field
  2. | Objc_setter of Struct.field
type var_data = {
  1. name : Mangled.t;
  2. typ : Typ.t;
  3. modify_in_block : bool;

    __block attribute of Objective-C variables, means that it will be modified inside a block

  4. is_constexpr : bool;
  5. is_declared_unused : bool;

    variable declared with attribute unused

  6. is_structured_binding : bool;

    variable declared by structured binding

  7. has_cleanup_attribute : bool;

    variable declared with attribute cleanup, only set in clang frontend

  8. tmp_id : Ident.t option;

    the tmp id used to build the variable name in case of a temp variable, None otherwise.

type specialized_with_aliasing_info = {
  1. orig_proc : Procname.t;
  2. aliases : Pvar.t list list;

    all the pvars in a same list are aliasing each other. e.g. aliases = [[x; y; z]; [a; b]] indicates that x, y and z alias each other and a and b as well

val compare_specialized_with_aliasing_info : specialized_with_aliasing_info -> specialized_with_aliasing_info -> int
type 'captured_var passed_closure =
  1. | Closure of Procname.t * 'captured_var list
  2. | Fields of (Fieldname.t * 'captured_var passed_closure) list
val compare_passed_closure : ('captured_var -> 'captured_var -> int) -> 'captured_var passed_closure -> 'captured_var passed_closure -> int
val equal_passed_closure : ('captured_var -> 'captured_var -> bool) -> 'captured_var passed_closure -> 'captured_var passed_closure -> bool
type specialized_with_closures_info = {
  1. orig_proc : Procname.t;
  2. formals_to_closures : CapturedVar.t passed_closure Pvar.Map.t;
val compare_specialized_with_closures_info : specialized_with_closures_info -> specialized_with_closures_info -> int
type block_as_arg_attributes = {
  1. passed_to : Procname.t;
  2. passed_as_noescape_block : bool;
val compare_block_as_arg_attributes : block_as_arg_attributes -> block_as_arg_attributes -> int
val equal_block_as_arg_attributes : block_as_arg_attributes -> block_as_arg_attributes -> bool
type t = {
  1. access : access;

    visibility access

  2. captured : CapturedVar.t list;

    name, type, and mode of variables captured in blocks and lambdas

  3. mutable changed : bool;

    true if proc has changed since last analysis

  4. exceptions : string list;

    exceptions thrown by the procedure

  5. formals : (Mangled.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list;

    name, type, and annotation of formal parameters

  6. const_formals : int list;

    list of indices of formals that are const-qualified

  7. reference_formals : int list;

    list of indices of formals that are passed by reference

  8. is_abstract : bool;

    the procedure is abstract

  9. is_biabduction_model : bool;

    the procedure is a model for the biabduction analysis

  10. is_bridge_method : bool;

    the procedure is a bridge method

  11. is_cpp_const_member_fun : bool;

    true if the procedure is a const function

  12. is_cpp_copy_assignment : bool;

    true if the procedure is a copy assignment

  13. is_cpp_copy_ctor : bool;

    true if the procedure is a copy constructor

  14. is_cpp_move_ctor : bool;

    true if the procedure is a move constructor

  15. is_cpp_deleted : bool;

    true if the procedure is deleted

  16. is_cpp_implicit : bool;

    returns false if the declaration exists in code and true if it was created implicitly by the compiler

  17. is_defined : bool;

    true if the procedure is defined, and not just declared

  18. is_java_synchronized_method : bool;

    the procedure is a Java synchronized method

  19. is_csharp_synchronized_method : bool;

    the procedure is a C# synchronized method

  20. is_hack_async : bool;
  21. is_hack_wrapper : bool;

    a generated wrapper for LSB or default parameters

  22. block_as_arg_attributes : block_as_arg_attributes option;

    Present if the procedure is an Objective-C block that has been passed to the given method in a position annotated with the NS_NOESCAPE attribute.

  23. is_no_return : bool;

    the procedure is known not to return

  24. is_objc_arc_on : bool;

    the ObjC procedure is compiled with ARC

  25. is_specialized : bool;

    the procedure is a clone specialized for dynamic dispatch handling

  26. is_synthetic_method : bool;

    the procedure is a synthetic method

  27. is_clang_variadic : bool;

    the procedure is variadic, only supported for Clang procedures

  28. hack_variadic_position : int option;

    the procedure is variadic and Some n means the variadic vector is composed of the arguments n, n+1, ..., length formals -1

  29. sentinel_attr : (int * int) option;

    __attribute__((sentinel(int, int)))

  30. specialized_with_aliasing_info : specialized_with_aliasing_info option;

    the procedure is a clone specialized with captured variables and paramaters sharing memory, with link to the original procedure, and a list of variables aliasing each other.

  31. specialized_with_closures_info : specialized_with_closures_info option;

    the procedure is a clone specialized with calls to concrete closures, with link to the original procedure, and a map that links the original formals to the elements of the closure used to specialize the procedure.

  32. clang_method_kind : ClangMethodKind.t;

    the kind of method the procedure is

  33. loc : IBase.Location.t;

    location of this procedure in the source code

  34. loc_instantiated : IBase.Location.t option;

    location of this procedure is possibly instantiated

  35. translation_unit : IBase.SourceFile.t;

    source file where the procedure was captured

  36. mutable locals : var_data list;

    name, type and attributes of local variables

  37. objc_accessor : objc_accessor_type option;

    type of ObjC accessor, if any

  38. proc_name : Procname.t;

    name of the procedure

  39. ret_type : Typ.t;

    return type

  40. ret_annots : Annot.Item.t;

    annotations of return type

  41. has_added_return_param : bool;

    whether or not a return param was added

  42. is_ret_type_pod : bool;

    whether or not the return type is POD

  43. is_ret_constexpr : bool;

    whether the (C++) function or method is declared as constexpr

val default : IBase.SourceFile.t -> Procname.t -> t

Create a proc_attributes with default values.

val default_var_data : Pvar.t -> Typ.t -> var_data
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val get_access : t -> access

Return the visibility attribute

val get_loc : t -> IBase.Location.t

Return loc information for the procedure

val get_loc_instantiated : t -> IBase.Location.t option

Return instantiated loc information for the procedure

val get_proc_name : t -> Procname.t
val get_pvar_formals : t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list

Return pvar and type of formal parameters

val get_passed_by_value_formals : t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list

Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed by value

val get_passed_by_ref_formals : t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list

Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed by reference

val get_pointer_formals : t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list

Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed as pointer, i.e. T*

val to_return_type : t -> Typ.t

the return type from method signature, taking into account if the procedure has added return parameter

val get_this : t -> Pvar.t option

if the procedures is an instance method then this is its self or this variable

val pp_block_as_arg_attributes : F.formatter -> block_as_arg_attributes -> unit
module SQLite : IBase.SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t