Attributes of a procedure.
type var_data = {
name : Mangled.t;
typ : Typ.t;
modify_in_block : bool;
__block attribute of Objective-C variables, means that it will be modified inside a block
*)is_constexpr : bool;
is_declared_unused : bool;
variable declared with attribute unused
is_structured_binding : bool;
variable declared by structured binding
*)has_cleanup_attribute : bool;
variable declared with attribute cleanup
, only set in clang frontend
tmp_id : Ident.t option;
the tmp id used to build the variable name in case of a temp variable, None otherwise.
val compare_block_as_arg_attributes :
block_as_arg_attributes ->
block_as_arg_attributes ->
val equal_block_as_arg_attributes :
block_as_arg_attributes ->
block_as_arg_attributes ->
type t = {
access : access;
visibility access
*)captured : CapturedVar.t list;
name, type, and mode of variables captured in blocks and lambdas
*)mutable changed : bool;
true if proc has changed since last analysis
*)exceptions : string list;
exceptions thrown by the procedure
*)formals : (Mangled.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list;
name, type, and annotation of formal parameters
*)const_formals : int list;
list of indices of formals that are const-qualified
*)reference_formals : int list;
list of indices of formals that are passed by reference
*)is_abstract : bool;
the procedure is abstract
*)is_biabduction_model : bool;
the procedure is a model for the biabduction analysis
*)is_bridge_method : bool;
the procedure is a bridge method
*)is_cpp_const_member_fun : bool;
true if the procedure is a const function
*)is_cpp_copy_assignment : bool;
true if the procedure is a copy assignment
*)is_cpp_copy_ctor : bool;
true if the procedure is a copy constructor
*)is_cpp_move_ctor : bool;
true if the procedure is a move constructor
*)is_static_ctor : bool;
true if the procedure has the constructor attribute
*)is_cpp_deleted : bool;
true if the procedure is deleted
*)is_cpp_implicit : bool;
returns false if the declaration exists in code and true if it was created implicitly by the compiler
*)is_defined : bool;
true if the procedure is defined, and not just declared
*)is_java_synchronized_method : bool;
the procedure is a Java synchronized method
*)is_csharp_synchronized_method : bool;
the procedure is a C# synchronized method
*)is_async : bool;
is_closure_wrapper : bool;
the wrapper we insert for each closure
*)is_hack_wrapper : bool;
a generated wrapper for LSB or default parameters
*)block_as_arg_attributes : block_as_arg_attributes option;
Present if the procedure is an Objective-C block that has been passed to the given method in a position annotated with the NS_NOESCAPE attribute.
*)is_no_return : bool;
the procedure is known not to return
*)is_objc_arc_on : bool;
the ObjC procedure is compiled with ARC
*)is_specialized : bool;
the procedure is a clone specialized for dynamic dispatch handling
*)is_synthetic_method : bool;
the procedure is a synthetic method
*)is_clang_variadic : bool;
the procedure is variadic, only supported for Clang procedures
*)hack_variadic_position : int option;
the procedure is variadic and Some n
means the variadic vector is composed of the arguments n, n+1, ..., length formals -1
python_args : string list;
each python function has a list of parameters that we store as a special ProcAttribute while list formals will only contain dict parameters like Python locals
*)sentinel_attr : (int * int) option;
__attribute__((sentinel(int, int)))
*)clang_method_kind : ClangMethodKind.t;
the kind of method the procedure is
*)loc : IBase.Location.t;
location of this procedure in the source code
*)loc_instantiated : IBase.Location.t option;
location of this procedure is possibly instantiated
*)translation_unit : IBase.SourceFile.t;
source file where the procedure was captured
*)mutable locals : var_data list;
name, type and attributes of local variables
*)objc_accessor : objc_accessor_type option;
type of ObjC accessor, if any
*)proc_name : Procname.t;
name of the procedure
*)ret_type : Typ.t;
return type
*)ret_annots : Annot.Item.t;
annotations of return type
*)has_added_return_param : bool;
whether or not a return param was added
*)is_ret_type_pod : bool;
whether or not the return type is POD
*)is_ret_constexpr : bool;
whether the (C++) function or method is declared as constexpr
val default : IBase.SourceFile.t -> Procname.t -> t
Create a proc_attributes with default values.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val get_loc : t -> IBase.Location.t
Return loc information for the procedure
val get_loc_instantiated : t -> IBase.Location.t option
Return instantiated loc information for the procedure
val get_proc_name : t -> Procname.t
Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed by value
Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed by reference
Return pvar and type of formal parameters that are passed as pointer, i.e. T*
the return type from method signature, taking into account if the procedure has added return parameter
if the procedures is an instance method then this is its self
or this
val pp_block_as_arg_attributes : F.formatter -> block_as_arg_attributes -> unit
module SQLite : IBase.SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t