Configuration values: either constant, determined at compile time, or set at startup time by system calls, environment variables, or command line options
val string_of_scheduler : scheduler -> string
val build_system_of_exe_name : string -> build_system
val string_of_build_system : build_system -> string
whether the infer executable looks like we are just running infer unit tests
marker to recognize methods generated by javalib to eliminate lambdas
marker to recognize methods generated by javac to build closures
val os_type : os_type
val buck_mode : BuckMode.t option
val command : ATDGenerated.InferCommand.t
val force_integration : build_system option
type pulse_hack_builder_patterns = pulse_hack_builder_pattern list
val hack_builder_patterns : pulse_hack_builder_patterns
val help_checker : Checker.t list
val help_issue_type : IssueType.t list
val is_checker_enabled : Checker.t -> bool
val issues_tests_fields : IssuesTestField.t list
type pulse_taint_config = {
sources : ATDGenerated.Pulse_config_t.matchers;
sanitizers : ATDGenerated.Pulse_config_t.matchers;
propagators : ATDGenerated.Pulse_config_t.matchers;
sinks : ATDGenerated.Pulse_config_t.matchers;
policies : ATDGenerated.Pulse_config_t.taint_policies;
data_flow_kinds : string list;
val pulse_taint_config : pulse_taint_config
val racerd_ignore_classes : IStdlib.IString.Set.t
val report_block_list_spec :
val scheduler : scheduler
val topl_properties : ToplAst.t list
In some integrations, eg Buck, infer subprocesses started by the build system (started by the toplevel infer process) will have their own results directory; this points to the results directory of the toplevel infer process, which can be useful for, eg, storing debug info. In other cases this is equal to results_dir