Module IR.Dependencies

module F = Stdlib.Format
type complete = {
  1. summary_loads : Procname.t list;
  2. recursion_edges : Procname.Set.t;
  3. other_proc_names : Procname.t list;
  4. used_tenv_sources : IBase.SourceFile.t list;
type t =
  1. | Partial
  2. | Complete of complete

    Dependencies are partial and mutable while the summary to which they belong is being computed, then made complete and immutable once the summary is fully analyzed.

val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit

Mutable state keeping track during on-demand interprocedural analysis of (1) which procedure is currently being analyzed and (2) which procedures type environments were used to compute summaries.

Located here in the IR module to avoid adding parameters threading the currently-under-analysis procedure throughout various analysis engine and checker code. These dependencies are then used in the Backend module to conservatively invalidate procedure summaries that were computed using out-of-date type environment information.

val currently_under_analysis : Procname.t option IStdlib.IStd.DLS.key
val reset : Procname.t -> t
val freeze : Procname.t -> t -> complete
val complete_exn : t -> complete
type kind =
  1. | SummaryLoad

    the summary of a procedure was queried

  2. | RecursionEdge

    ondemand returned an empty summary because a mutual recursion cycle was detected

  3. | Other

    anything else, eg the attributes of the function were loaded

val record_pname_dep : ?caller:Procname.t -> kind -> Procname.t -> unit
val record_srcfile_dep : IBase.SourceFile.t -> unit
val clear : unit -> unit

drop all currently-recorded dependency edges to reclaim memory

val merge : complete -> complete -> complete