Module IR.PredSymb

The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Predicate Symbols

Programs and Types

type mem_kind =
  1. | Mmalloc

    memory allocated with malloc

  2. | Mnew

    memory allocated with new

  3. | Mnew_array

    memory allocated with new

  4. | Mobjc

    memory allocated with objective-c alloc

val compare_mem_kind : mem_kind -> mem_kind -> int
type resource =
  1. | Rmemory of mem_kind
  2. | Rfile
  3. | Rignore
  4. | Rlock

resource that can be allocated

val compare_resource : resource -> resource -> int
type res_act_kind =
  1. | Racquire
  2. | Rrelease

kind of resource action

val compare_res_act_kind : res_act_kind -> res_act_kind -> int
val equal_res_act_kind : res_act_kind -> res_act_kind -> bool
type dangling_kind =
  1. | DAuninit

    pointer is dangling because it is uninitialized

  2. | DAaddr_stack_var

    pointer is dangling because it is the address of a stack variable which went out of scope

  3. | DAminusone

    pointer is -1


kind of dangling pointers

type path_pos = Procname.t * int

position in a path: proc name, node id

val compare_path_pos : path_pos -> path_pos -> int
val equal_path_pos : path_pos -> path_pos -> bool
type res_action = {
  1. ra_kind : res_act_kind;

    kind of action

  2. ra_res : resource;

    kind of resource

  3. ra_pname : Procname.t;

    name of the procedure used to acquire/release the resource

  4. ra_loc : IBase.Location.t;

    location of the acquire/release

  5. ra_vpath : DecompiledExp.vpath;

    vpath of the resource value


acquire/release action on a resource

type t =
  1. | Aresource of res_action

    resource acquire/release

  2. | Aautorelease
  3. | Adangling of dangling_kind

    dangling pointer

  4. | Aundef of Procname.t * Annot.Item.t * IBase.Location.t * path_pos
  5. | Alocked
  6. | Aunlocked
  7. | Adiv0 of path_pos

    value appeared in second argument of division at given path position

  8. | Aobjc_null

    attributed exp is null due to a call to a method with given path as null receiver

  9. | Aretval of Procname.t * Annot.Item.t

    value was returned from a call to the given procedure, plus the annots of the return value

  10. | Aobserver

    denotes an object registered as an observers to a notification center

  11. | Aunsubscribed_observer

    denotes an object unsubscribed from observers of a notification center

  12. | Awont_leak

    value do not participate in memory leak analysis


Attributes are nary function symbols that are applied to expression arguments in Apred and Anpred atomic formulas. Many operations don't make much sense for nullary predicates, and are generally treated as no-ops. The first argument is treated specially, as the "anchor" of the predicate application. For example, adding or removing an attribute uses the anchor to identify the atom to operate on. Also, abstraction and normalization operations treat the anchor specially and maintain more information on it than other arguments. Therefore when attaching an attribute to an expression, that expression should be the first argument, optionally followed by additional related expressions.

include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val mem_alloc_pname : mem_kind -> Procname.t

name of the allocation function for the given memory kind

val mem_dealloc_pname : mem_kind -> Procname.t

name of the deallocation function for the given memory kind

type category =
  1. | ACresource
  2. | ACautorelease
  3. | AClock
  4. | ACdiv0
  5. | ACobjc_null
  6. | ACundef
  7. | ACretval
  8. | ACobserver
  9. | ACwontleak

Categories of attributes

val compare_category : category -> category -> int
val equal_category : category -> category -> bool
val to_category : t -> category

Return the category to which the attribute belongs.

val is_undef : t -> bool
val to_string : IStdlib.Pp.env -> t -> string

convert the attribute to a string

val d_attribute : t -> unit

Dump an attribute.