Module IBase.IssueType

type visibility =
| User

always add to error log

| Developer

only add to error log in some debug modes

| Silent

never add to error log

visibility of the issue type

val compare_visibility : visibility -> visibility -> int
val equal_visibility : visibility -> visibility -> bool
val string_of_visibility : visibility -> string
type severity =
| Like
| Info
| Advice
| Warning
| Error

severity of the report

val compare_severity : severity -> severity -> int
val equal_severity : severity -> severity -> bool
val all_of_severity : severity list
val string_of_severity : severity -> string
type t = private {
unique_id : string;
checker : Checker.t;
visibility : visibility;
user_documentation : string option;
mutable default_severity : severity;

used for documentation but can be overriden at report time

mutable enabled : bool;
mutable hum : string;
mutable doc_url : string option;
mutable linters_def_file : string option;
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val all_issues : unit -> t list

all the issues declared so far

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pretty print a localised string

val find_from_string : id:string -> t option

return the issue type if it was previously registered

val register_dynamic : ?⁠enabled:bool -> ?⁠hum:string -> ?⁠doc_url:string -> linters_def_file:string option -> id:string -> ?⁠user_documentation:string -> severity -> Checker.t -> t

Create a new issue and register it in the list of all issues. NOTE: if the issue with the same string id is already registered, overrides `hum`, `doc_url`, and `linters_def_file`, but DOES NOT override `enabled`. This trick allows to deal with disabling/enabling dynamic AL issues from the config, when we don't know all params yet. Thus, the human-readable description can be updated when we encounter the definition of the issue type, eg in AL.

val checker_can_report : Checker.t -> t -> bool

Whether the issue was registered as coming from the given checker. Important to call this before reporting to keep documentation accurate.

val set_enabled : t -> bool -> unit
val abduction_case_not_implemented : t
val arbitrary_code_execution_under_lock : t
val array_of_pointsto : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l1 : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l2 : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l3 : t
val assert_failure : t
val bad_footprint : t
val biabduction_analysis_stops : t
val buffer_overrun_l1 : t
val buffer_overrun_l2 : t
val buffer_overrun_l3 : t
val buffer_overrun_l4 : t
val buffer_overrun_l5 : t
val buffer_overrun_s2 : t
val buffer_overrun_u5 : t
val cannot_star : t
val captured_strong_self : t
val checkers_allocates_memory : t

Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly calls a method allocating memory

val checkers_annotation_reachability_error : t
val checkers_calls_expensive_method : t

Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly calls a method annotatd as expensive

val checkers_expensive_overrides_unexpensive : t

Warning name for the subtyping rule: method not annotated as expensive cannot be overridden by a method annotated as expensive

val checkers_fragment_retain_view : t
val checkers_immutable_cast : t
val checkers_printf_args : t
val class_cast_exception : t
val complexity_increase : kind:CostKind.t -> is_on_ui_thread:bool -> t
val component_with_multiple_factory_methods : t
val condition_always_false : t
val condition_always_true : t
val config_checks_between_markers : t
val config_impact_analysis : t
val constant_address_dereference : t
val create_intent_from_uri : t
val cross_site_scripting : t
val dangling_pointer_dereference : t
val dangling_pointer_dereference_maybe : t
val dead_store : t
val deadlock : t
val divide_by_zero : t
val do_not_report : t

an issue type that should never be reported

val empty_vector_access : t
val eradicate_annotation_graph : t
val eradicate_condition_redundant : t
val eradicate_field_not_initialized : t
val eradicate_field_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_field_over_annotated : t
val eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation : t
val eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation : t
val eradicate_redundant_nested_class_annotation : t
val eradicate_bad_nested_class_annotation : t
val eradicate_nullable_dereference : t
val eradicate_parameter_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_return_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_return_over_annotated : t
val eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe : t
val eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe : t
val eradicate_meta_class_can_be_nullsafe : t
val eradicate_meta_class_needs_improvement : t
val eradicate_meta_class_is_nullsafe : t
val exposed_insecure_intent_handling : t
val expensive_cost_call : kind:CostKind.t -> t
val failure_exe : t
val field_not_null_checked : t
val guardedby_violation : t
val guardedby_violation_nullsafe : t
val impure_function : t
val inefficient_keyset_iterator : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_big : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_negative : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_zero : t
val inferbo_alloc_may_be_big : t
val inferbo_alloc_may_be_negative : t
val infinite_cost_call : kind:CostKind.t -> t
val inherently_dangerous_function : t
val insecure_intent_handling : t
val integer_overflow_l1 : t
val integer_overflow_l2 : t
val integer_overflow_l5 : t
val integer_overflow_u5 : t
val interface_not_thread_safe : t
val internal_error : t
val invariant_call : t
val ipc_on_ui_thread : t
val javascript_injection : t
val lab_resource_leak : t
val dotnet_resource_leak : t
val leak_after_array_abstraction : t
val leak_in_footprint : t
val leak_unknown_origin : t
val lockless_violation : t
val lock_consistency_violation : t
val logging_private_data : t
val expensive_loop_invariant_call : t
val memory_leak : t
val missing_fld : t
val missing_required_prop : t
val mixed_self_weakself : t
val modifies_immutable : t
val multiple_weakself : t
val mutable_local_variable_in_component_file : t
val nil_messaging_to_non_pod : t
val null_dereference : t
val nullptr_dereference : t
val optional_empty_access : t
val parameter_not_null_checked : t
val precondition_not_found : t
val precondition_not_met : t
val premature_nil_termination : t
val pulse_memory_leak : t
val pure_function : t
val quandary_taint_error : t
val resource_leak : t
val retain_cycle : t
val skip_function : t
val shell_injection : t
val shell_injection_risk : t
val sql_injection : t
val sql_injection_risk : t
val stack_variable_address_escape : t
val starvation : t
val static_initialization_order_fiasco : t
val strict_mode_violation : t
val strong_self_not_checked : t
val symexec_memory_error : t
val thread_safety_violation : t
val thread_safety_violation_nullsafe : t
val topl_error : t
val uninitialized_value : t
val uninitialized_value_pulse : t
val unreachable_code_after : t
val use_after_delete : t
val use_after_free : t
val use_after_lifetime : t
val untrusted_buffer_access : t
val untrusted_deserialization : t
val untrusted_deserialization_risk : t
val untrusted_file : t
val untrusted_file_risk : t
val untrusted_heap_allocation : t
val untrusted_intent_creation : t
val untrusted_url_risk : t
val untrusted_environment_change_risk : t
val untrusted_variable_length_array : t
val user_controlled_sql_risk : t
val vector_invalidation : t
val weak_self_in_noescape_block : t
val wrong_argument_number : t
val unreachable_cost_call : kind:CostKind.t -> t
val is_autoreleasepool_size_issue : t -> bool
module Map : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type PPMap.key = t