Module Absint.HilExp

module F = Stdlib.Format
type t =
  1. | AccessExpression of access_expression

    access path (e.g., x.f.g or xi)

  2. | UnaryOperator of IR.Unop.t * t * IR.Typ.t option

    Unary operator with type of the result if known

  3. | BinaryOperator of IR.Binop.t * t * t

    Binary operator

  4. | Exception of t


  5. | Closure of IR.Procname.t * (AccessPath.base * t) list

    Name of function + environment

  6. | Constant of IR.Const.t


  7. | Cast of IR.Typ.t * t

    Type cast

  8. | Sizeof of IR.Typ.t * t option

    C-style sizeof(), and also used to treate a type as an expression. Refer to Exp module for canonical documentation

and access_expression = private
  1. | Base of AccessPath.base
  2. | FieldOffset of access_expression * IR.Fieldname.t

    field access

  3. | ArrayOffset of access_expression * IR.Typ.t * t option

    array access

  4. | AddressOf of access_expression

    "address of" operator &

  5. | Dereference of access_expression

    "dereference" operator *

val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_access_expression : access_expression -> access_expression -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val equal_access_expression : access_expression -> access_expression -> bool
module AccessExpression : sig ... end
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val get_typ : IR.Tenv.t -> t -> IR.Typ.t option

Get the type of the expression. Warning: not fully implemented

val of_sil : include_array_indexes:bool -> f_resolve_id:(IR.Var.t -> AccessExpression.t option) -> add_deref:bool -> IR.Exp.t -> IR.Typ.t -> t

Convert SIL expression to HIL expression

val get_access_exprs : t -> AccessExpression.t list

Get all the access paths used in the given HIL expression, including duplicates if a path is used more than once.

val is_null_literal : t -> bool
val is_int_zero : t -> bool
val eval : t -> IR.Const.t option
val eval_boolean_exp : AccessExpression.t -> t -> bool option

eval_boolean_exp var exp returns Some bool_value if the given boolean expression exp evaluates to bool_value when var is set to true. Return None if it has free variables that stop us from evaluating it, or is not a boolean expression.

val ignore_cast : t -> t
val access_expr_of_exp : include_array_indexes:bool -> f_resolve_id:(IR.Var.t -> AccessExpression.t option) -> IR.Exp.t -> IR.Typ.t -> access_expression option

best effort translating a SIL expression to an access path, not semantics preserving in particular in the presence of pointer arithmetic