Module IR.Attributes

Module to manage the table of attributes.

val store : proc_desc:Procdesc.t option -> ProcAttributes.t -> analysis:bool -> unit

Save .attr file for the procedure into the attributes database.

val load_from_uid : string -> ProcAttributes.t option

Load the attributes for the unique procedure id from the attributes database.

val load : Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option

Load the attributes for the procedure from the attributes database.

val load_exn : Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t

like load, but raises an exception if no attributes are found.

val is_no_return : Procname.t -> bool
val load_formal_types : Procname.t -> Typ.t list

Returns all the formal types of a given procedure.

val clear_cache : unit -> unit

clear attribute cache