Module IR.Tenv

Module for Type Environments.

type t

Type for type environment.

val create : unit -> t

Create a new type environment.

val length : t -> int
val load : IBase.SourceFile.t -> t option

Load a type environment for a source file

  • alert tenv Analysis code should use [Exe_env.get_source_tenv] instead.
val store_debug_file_for_source : IBase.SourceFile.t -> t -> unit
val read : IBase.DB.filename -> t option

Read and return a type environment from the given file

val write : t -> IBase.DB.filename -> unit

Write the type environment into the given file

val read_global : unit -> t option

Load (without caching) the global type environment

val force_load_global : unit -> t option

Load and cache the global type environment

val load_global : unit -> t option

Load and cache the global type environment if not already loaded

val store_global : normalize:bool -> t -> unit

Save and cache the global type environment

val lookup : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t option

Look up a name in the given type environment.

val mk_struct : t -> ?default:Struct.t -> ?fields:Struct.field list -> ?statics:Struct.field list -> ?methods:Procname.t list -> ?exported_objc_methods:Procname.t list -> ?supers:Typ.Name.t list -> ?objc_protocols:Typ.Name.t list -> ?annots:Annot.Item.t -> ?class_info:Struct.ClassInfo.t -> ?dummy:bool -> ?source_file:IBase.SourceFile.t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t

Construct a struct_typ, normalizing field types

val add_field : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.field -> unit

Add a field to a given struct in the global type environment.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

print a type environment

val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:(Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val fold_supers : ?ignore_require_extends:bool -> t -> Typ.Name.t -> init:'a -> f:(Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t option -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
val mem_supers : t -> Typ.Name.t -> f:(Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t option -> bool) -> bool
val get_parent : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Typ.Name.t option
val find_map_supers : ?ignore_require_extends:bool -> t -> Typ.Name.t -> f:(Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t option -> 'a option) -> 'a option
val get_fields_trans : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.field list

Get all fields from the super classes transitively

type per_file =
  1. | Global
  2. | FileLocal of t
val pp_per_file : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> per_file -> unit

print per file type environment

val merge : src:t -> dst:t -> unit

Merge src into dst

val merge_per_file : src:per_file -> dst:per_file -> per_file

Best-effort merge of src into dst. If a procedure is both in dst and src, the one in dst will get overwritten.

module MethodInfo : sig ... end
type unresolved_reason =
  1. | ClassNameNotFound
  2. | CurryInfoNotFound
  3. | MaybeMissingDueToMissedCapture
  4. | MaybeMissingDueToIncompleteModel
val pp_unresolved_reason : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> unresolved_reason -> unit
val show_unresolved_reason : unresolved_reason -> string
type unresolved_data = {
  1. missed_captures : Typ.Name.Set.t;
  2. unresolved_reason : unresolved_reason option;
val mk_unresolved_data : ?missed_captures:Typ.Name.Set.t -> unresolved_reason option -> unresolved_data
type resolution_result = (MethodInfo.t, unresolved_data) IStdlib.IStd.Result.t
val resolve_method : ?is_virtual:bool -> method_exists:(Procname.t -> Procname.t list -> bool) -> t -> Typ.Name.t -> Procname.t -> resolution_result

resolve_method ~method_exists tenv class_name procname returns either ResolvedTo info where info resolves procname to a method in class_name or its super-classes, that is non-virtual (non-Java-interface method); or, it returns Unresolved {missed_captures; unresolved_reason} where missed_captures is the set of classnames for which the hierarchy traversal needs to examine its members but which have not been captured and unresolved_reason is an additional information about the unresolved reasons which are for suppressing FP issues. method_exists adapted_procname methods should check if adapted_procname (procname but with its class potentially changed to some other_class) is among the methods of other_class.

val resolve_field_info : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Fieldname.t -> Struct.field_info option

resolve_field_info tenv class_name field tries to find the first field declaration that matches field name (ignoring its enclosing declared type), starting from class class_name.

val resolve_fieldname : t -> Typ.Name.t -> string -> Fieldname.t option * Typ.Name.Set.t

Similar to resolve_field_info, but returns the resolved field name and missed capture types.

val find_cpp_destructor : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Procname.t option
val find_cpp_constructor : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Procname.t list
val is_trivially_copyable : t -> Typ.t -> bool
val get_hack_direct_used_traits_interfaces : t -> Typ.Name.t -> ([ `Interface | `Trait ] * HackClassName.t) list

get_hack_direct_used_traits_interfaces tenv tname returns a list of the directly used traits and directly implemented interfaces of tname, each paired with `Trait or `Interface to indicate its kind

val expand_hack_alias : t -> -> option
val expand_hack_alias_in_typ : t -> Typ.t -> Typ.t
val normalize : per_file -> per_file

Produce an equivalent type environment that has maximal sharing between its structures.