type lock_effect =
| Lock of HilExp.t list
simultaneously acquire a list of locks
*)| Unlock of HilExp.t list
simultaneously release a list of locks
*)| LockedIfTrue of HilExp.t list
simultaneously attempt to acquire a list of locks
*)| GuardConstruct of {
mutex guard construction - clang only
*)| GuardLock of HilExp.t
lock underlying mutex via guard - clang only
*)| GuardLockedIfTrue of HilExp.t
lock underlying mutex if true via guard - clang only
*)| GuardUnlock of HilExp.t
unlock underlying mutex via guard - clang only
*)| GuardDestroy of HilExp.t
destroy guard and unlock underlying mutex - clang only
*)| NoEffect
function call has no lock-relevant effect
*)effect of call plus Hil expressions being un/locked, if known
val get_lock_effect : IR.Procname.t -> HilExp.t list -> lock_effect
describe how this procedure behaves with respect to locking
val get_thread_assert_effect : IR.Procname.t -> thread
In Java, certain methods can be used to assert execution on a specific kind of thread, or return a boolean equivalent to such a fact.
val get_current_class_and_annotated_superclasses :
(IR.Annot.Item.t -> bool) ->
IR.Tenv.t ->
IR.Procname.t ->
(IR.Typ.name * IR.Typ.name list) option
val is_recursive_lock_type : IR.Typ.name -> bool
type annotation_trail =
| DirectlyAnnotated
the method is directly annotated as such
*)| Override of IR.Procname.t
it overrides a method annotated in a super class
*)| SuperClass of IR.Typ.name
the method's class or a super class of that is annotated as such
*)Type documenting why a method is considered as annotated with a certain annotation
val compare_annotation_trail : annotation_trail -> annotation_trail -> int
val find_override_or_superclass_annotated :
(IR.Annot.Item.t -> bool) ->
IR.Tenv.t ->
IR.Procname.t ->
annotation_trail option
check if a method's transitive annotations satisfy the given predicate
val annotated_as_worker_thread : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procname.t -> bool
val annotated_as_named_thread : IR.Procname.t -> string option
val runs_on_ui_thread : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procname.t -> bool
is method not transitively annotated @WorkerThread
and is modeled or annotated @UIThread
or equivalent?
val is_android_lifecycle_method : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procname.t -> bool
is method a known Android UI thread callback (eg Activity.onCreate