Module StarvationDomain.Lock

Abstract address for a lock. There are two notions of equality:

include module type of AbstractAddress
module F = Stdlib.Format

Type meant to represent abstract addresses based on access paths. It currently distinguishes between paths

  • rooted at formal parameters (these are identified by the parameter index and the path without the root variable, though that variable is kept for pretty printing);
  • rooted at global variables;
  • non access-path expressions representing class objects (java only).

Notably, there are no addresses rooted at locals (because proving aliasing between those is difficult).

There are two notions of equality:

  • Equality for comparing two addresses within the same thread/process/trace. Under this, identical globals and identical class objects compare equal. Parameter-rooted paths compare equal if their parameter indices, types and lists of accesses are equal.
  • Equality for comparing two addresses in two distinct threads/traces. Globals and class objects are compared in the same way, but parameter-rooted paths need only have equal access lists (ie x.f.g == y.f.g). This allows demonically aliasing parameters in *distinct* threads.
include IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType
include Stdlib.Set.OrderedType
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
include IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PrintableType with type t := t
val pp : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.F.formatter -> t -> unit
val describe : F.formatter -> t -> unit

human readable description

val equal : t -> t -> bool
val equal_across_threads : IR.Tenv.t -> t -> t -> bool
val root_class : t -> option

Class of the root variable of the expression representing the address

val get_typ : IR.Tenv.t -> t -> IR.Typ.t option
val make : Absint.FormalMap.t -> Absint.HilExp.t -> t option

convert an expression to a canonical form for an address

val is_class_object : t -> bool

is the address a Java class object such as in synchronized(MyClass.class){} or static synchronized void foo()

type subst

A substitution from formal position indices to address options. None is used to for actuals that cannot be resolved to an address (eg local-rooted paths or arithmetic expressions).

val pp_subst : F.formatter -> subst -> unit
val make_subst : Absint.FormalMap.t -> Absint.HilExp.t list -> subst
val apply_subst : subst -> t -> t option
val pp_locks : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val make_java_synchronized : Absint.FormalMap.t -> IR.Procname.t -> t option

create the monitor locked when entering a synchronized java method

val compare_wrt_reporting : t -> t -> int

a stable order for avoiding reporting deadlocks twice based on the root variable type